In 2013, the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum launched new branding and implemented new digital solutions for membership, marketing, and visitor engagement. The museum implemented the use of new technologies, including social media and group marketing strategies to successfully exceed attendance goals. The results of these new initiatives resulted in increased community participation and better engagement from visitors during their visit to the museum.
The museum became a partner in the Southeastern Reciprocal Museums (SERM) and the North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM). These two programs enhanced marketing and visibility while adding great value to Museum membership.

The Raymond Burr Memorial Exhibit and Henry Domke both enhance the historical and artistic aspects of the museum. John managed and led staff and the board of trustees during several special events. He promoted interest in the museum within its local, national, and international communities.
Mr. Suau implemented mobile museum technology to help sustain visitor engagement using QR codes, audio tours, and mobile web-based games.

As the Senior Assistant Director of the Shell Museum, I was so excited to have John join our team. John was the key person for all the marketing, advertising and public relations for the Bailey Matthews Shell Museum…His experience in Museum art and impact on the observer is amazing. I would recommend him highly to any museum in the process of a realignment with their strategic goals or looking to expand beyond the norm. You will appreciate John’s attention to detail and his wonderful work in bringing together vision and reality. John is a true asset to any team: personable, upbeat, and very artist with a keen eye for all the details.
Amanda Stirn, Business Consultant at Florida SBDC at Florida Gulf Coast University